When should I see a fertility doctor?

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In general the answer to this question depends on your age:

Women 34 and under should see a fertility doctor after one year of trying to get pregnant if pregnancy is not achieved.

Women 35 and over should see a fertility doctor after six months of trying to conceive without pregnancy.

During the time you are trying to conceive, you should be having unprotected sex that is well timed to ovulation. This means that ovulation prediction or fertility charting is suggested. There may be reasons to be seen sooner or later, for example certain chronic conditions may require additional assistance in conceiving.

A fertility doctor is known as a reproductive endocrinologist (RE). This is an obstetrician who has gone on past an OB/GYN residency and done a fellowship (additional training) specific to fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surgical management of conception problems.

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