Signs of Suicide

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Signs of Suicide (SOS) is a new initiative of Reclaiming Hope - Manitoba's Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy. SOS, developed in the United States, is an evidenced-based, school-based prevention program incorporating curricula to raise awareness of suicide and its related issues; and a brief screening for depression and other risk factors associated with suicidal behaviour. Youth are taught to recognize the signs of suicide and depression and they are taught the specific action steps necessary for responding to those signs. The program is designed to decrease suicide, suicide attempts and self-injury by increasing knowledge and adaptive attitudes about depression among students.

The program encourages schools to develop community-based partnerships with mental health professionals and other stakeholders to address issues associated with student mental health and youth suicide.

In the 2009/10 school year, 13 schools, including four First Nation band schools, piloted the SOS program for their grade 9 students. These schools are participating in an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of SOS in Manitoba. Results of the SOS evaluation will be available in late 2011.

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